My Kickstarter Addiction Hell

I’m facing up to a behind-the-curve Kickstarter addiction which has lead me to ignore deadlines and fall behind on twerking videos, but for which I have a solution.

‘Kickin’ Kickstarter’ is a self-help book for people addicted to bad Kickstarter projects. That’s probably not bad enough to actually be on Kickstarter. It will have to be inflatable, Velcro, or a cat toy. Maybe a mix of all three. Things that do more than one thing always do well on Kickstarter.

My other KS idea is an app that takes you straight away to the poignant whacko unfunded ideas as opposed to the moderately sane projects.

Because trawling through American people’s earnest psychobabble about pointless tat and derivative art projects, it’s the palpable sense of other people’s despair that sucks me and other addicts in, every time.

It’s tempered with guilt, because at least these people are attempting to live out their dreams, not just sneering from the sidelines.

I come away from each session feeling unclean knowing that I have giggled in the face of people’s dreams, hopes and massive lack of self awareness.

And then you realize that ‘atheist shoes’ actually got $60,000, and that, as usual, it’s the universe that is actually mocking me not the other way round.

‘I really dislike having a bulky phone in my pocket’  (yet several attached to me with a velcro jumpsuit is  totally fine):

I would pay $50 for ‘diagonal swirl skirt made from recycled sari fabric’ not to exist:

‘Given the excitement surrounding TPimPAWster…’

Never be without a fish hook or an unsightly bracelet. KS connoisseurs will notice the classic of its genre ‘roped-in-slightly-embarassed-partner’ images

In a universe that can spawn ‘Atheist Shoes’ outside the context of a cheese dream, literally anything is possible.

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